mY aPPROACH To Special Education
Informed - Engaged - Partnership
consensus is a continuous process based on shared information, shared decision-making & shared implementation
ALL CRITICAL for a strong Team AND Strong Results!
It begins with knowledge building. It is about understanding how the system works, determining where you are in the process, and the next steps to successfully work together as a team.
I provide accurate information and help clarify the situation and expectations throughout the IEP and 504 process.
All team participants want to be respected and heard. The challenge is to stay calmly and collaboratively engaged during difficult conversations when opinions vary and emotions run high. Conversations fail when participants feel unsafe expressing themselves freely.
I help participants stay focused and engaged in meaningful dialogue.
With the right information and engagement, there is a greater opportunity to establish trust and mutual purpose, which almost always results in a child-centered IEP and 504 Plans.
I help teams agree that services are based on the child’s unique needs and strengths.